from flask import Flask, request, redirect, jsonify from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs app = Flask(__name__) # Endpoint to handle transparent redirection @app.route('/redirect', methods=['GET']) def handle_redirect(): # Extract the transparent redirection URL from the query parameters redirection_url = request.args.get('redirection_url') # Check if redirection_url parameter is present if not redirection_url: return jsonify({"message": "Redirection URL not provided"}), 400 # Perform server-side validation on the redirection URL parsed_url = urlparse(redirection_url) # Ensure the redirection_url is in a proper format (validate the scheme and netloc) if not parsed_url.scheme or not parsed_url.netloc: return jsonify({"message": "Invalid redirection URL"}), 400 # Optional: Add any additional validation such as domain whitelisting # Example: Block unwanted domains if "" in redirection_url: return jsonify({"message": "Redirection to invalid domain is not allowed"}), 403 # Return a 302 response code with the redirection return redirect(redirection_url, code=302) # Privacy Policy for transparency @app.route('/privacy', methods=['GET']) def privacy_policy(): policy = { "title": "Click Tracking Transparency Policy", "content": "All clicks are redirected using transparent URL parameters to ensure compliance with privacy and tracking standards." } return jsonify(policy) if __name__ == '__main__':